[2022] Tactical Raman Header-V3


Safer, Smarter and Simpler Devices

Metrohm's chemical identification systems give you instant, actionable results that help you make quicker decisions. Our systems combine state-of-the-art Raman spectroscopy with the intuitive operation of a cell phone to give you reliable data anywhere you go.

Find out more about MIRA XTR

See how our MIRA XTR handheld Raman analyzer is integrated into a robotic platform enabling safe identification of hazardous substances from a distance and increasing the safety of first responder.


What can Raman do for you?

  • Identify materials dissolved in water
  • Identify white and off-white powders
  • Identify designer drugs such as synthetic cannabinoids
  • Measure brightly colored and fluorescent materials
  • See through containers from transparent to opaque

Illegal Drug Identification

Hover over each image to see what each product can do for you

TacticID-N Plus

Identify top community drug threats such as narcotics, designer drugs, fentanyl, cutting agents, and precursors in a field-based presumptive test. The TacticID-N Plus handheld narcotics analyzer non-destructively identifies these illegal drugs without making direct contact with the sample to preserve evidence.

→App Note: TacticID for Narcotics Identification


TacticID Mobile

Combat the ever-changing and localized narcotics threats with the TacticID Mobile. The flexible library allows users to include their own substances and/or upgrade to over 24,000 unique materials. The Android® interface makes this device as easy to use as a mobile phone.

→App Note: ID Counterfeit Adderall Pills

→Product Video


The MIRA XTR handles any mission type, with advanced sampling and patented technologies that detect narcotics, chemicals, and explosives. The included fentanyl library identifies hundreds of types of fentanyl and built-in SERS capability allows detection at microdose concentrations.

→App Note: Safe Fentanyl Identification

→VICE Video Featuring the MIRA XTR

Other Missions

Hover over each image to see what each product can do for you

Sensitive Site Exploitation

The Mira XTR combines mobile device integration, onboard library with over 24,000 unique materials, advanced fluorescence mitigation technology, and is easily decontaminated. When combined with the HazMasterG3® decisions support tool, it is the ideal choice when venturing into the unknown and operator safety and speed are most critical.

→App Note: On-site Identification of Improvised Incendiary Devices

See-Through Opaque Containers

See-through opaque containers such as jerry cans, heavy envelopes, and other materials traffickers use to hide contraband with the patented TacticID-1064 ST.

→App Note: See-Through Measurements of Illicit Substances

→Watch it in action!

Measure from a Safe Distance

The Mira XTR is the only handheld Raman instrument that offers both standoff and traditional Raman sampling, allowing you to measure without both low and high concentration samples, from drugs to explosives.

→App Note: Addressing the Needs of First Responders


TR-Comparison Table