Smart and Actionable: Spectroscopy PAT-Supported Process Operations


In an effort to build smarter factories, many industry leaders have started moving the point-of-analysis from the laboratory to process. Clearly actionable data generated by Process Analytical Technology (PAT) makes this paradigm shift possible. PAT not only enhances Predictive Maintenance (PdM) by detecting issues early and minimizing downtime, it also supports Statistical Process Control (SPC) through real-time monitoring and optimization, and improves Quality by Design (QbD) with better process understanding and risk management.

During this webinar, Chad Shade, Global PAT Team Leader, will share how Albemarle Corporation approached the implementation of Spectroscopy PAT to obtain smarter process operations and what you can do to help drive a mindset change in your business. Elena Hagemann, Product Manager for Process Spectroscopy, will introduce the newest spectroscopy technologies for real-time, non-destructive analysis that further support sustainability initiatives.


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